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Darien Boat Club
Launch Survey

The DBC Executive Committee is analyzing the need and costs associated with a launch service for members who currently
are on the wait list, have a mooring in the Darien Harbor, or are considering a boat that is larger than the DBC can accommodate
but would like to stay in Darien waters.  The intent is to provide easier access to the Darien Harbor mooring field and an alternative
to the DBC members in the queue for a slip.

Member's Information:

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip Code
Home Phone

Current Boat Size:


Survey Questions:

1 . If you have a mooring, do you plan on renewal for the 2011 season? Yes / No

2.  If you don't have a mooring, do you plan on applying for one in 2011? Yes /  No                                                                        

3.  If your answer to #2 is no, if we provided a launch service, would that change your answer to Yes?  Yes / No        

4.  If this service was provided, would you purchase a boat if you currently do not own one?  Yes / No

5.  If this service was available and you are a current slip holder, would you move to a mooring? Yes / No (Slip holders only)    

6. If you own a boat that exceeds DBC slip sizes and you are not on a Darien Mooring, would you consider moving to the mooring field if a launch service was available?  Yes / No

7. Are you a member of the Noroton Yacht Club?  Yes / No

8. What hours of operation would you require?, Weekdays, Weekends, Both?  Hours of operation? Dawn till Dusk, Later than Dusk?

9. Assuming the cost of operation was paid by those using the service, how much would you be willing to pay per season? $400, $600, other?



Thank you for taking this survey and assisting the DBC Executive Committee in improving the Club's services.


       Once you have entered all your information, click the "Submit Form" button.
                                                               Your data will be displayed, and you are finished.  There is no need to go back
                                                               and resubmit unless you have corrections.